What systems and programs would you use to prepare illustrated technical reports using graphs, spreadsheets and draw charts?

We have to use software to prepare technical reports, charts, spreadsheets and other things (you can go around that with a pen and paper, but I do not know any financial analyst who still do it in 21st century, since it is not time effective).

an older job applicant tries to answer questions in a financial analyst interview

Microsoft Excel is probably the first program you would mention, and it would be a good answer. Excel offers plenty of analytical, mathematical and statistical functions–all you need for both basic and (semi)advanced financial analysis. You just have to know how to work with the software.

But you should not forget that Excel isn’t the lone great tool we have out there. Your future employer may prefer another program. For that reason it is good to say that you are computer savvy, and would easily learn to work with any software of their choice.

Sample answers

I prefer to use MS Excel, because I have been working with it since my childhood. I am able to prepare illustrated technical reports and apply the most advanced mathematical and analytical functions the software offers. But I also believe my computer intelligence is good enough. I would learn to work with any software, if I needed to learn it for my job.

I like to use Reports Ultimate, as it is fast and offers a large variability of visual execution for both spreadsheets and charts, what helps when presenting my reports to people who lack the knowledge of financial terminology. However, I am ready to learn to work with any other software you use in your company.

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